Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible for FALL semester?

ONLY IF you satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

Who is eligible for SPRING semester?

ONLY IF you satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

How are the students chosen for the FALL/SPRING semesters?

Students in their third semester in the fall semester are required to take the course in the FALL semester, while all others are required to take it in the SPRING semester. We collect details of ALL physics students from Student Affair Information System (SAIS/SIS). The following criteria are used to decide your registration semester:

For a list of eligibility criteria for either semester, see below.

Are there exceptions?

If you have extraordinary circumstances such as chronic illness, semester leave-of-absence permissions etc. please briefly justify your reason in the Query Form.
We will evaluate your case and may allow you to take the course now if there is room left in the lab. No Guarantees!

How do I ask questions to the instructors during registration?

While we do our best to help each and every one of you, we often find ourselves inundated with hundreds of emails. To facilitate this, we (instructors & assistants) DO NOT reply to direct emails during the registration period, instead, please fill in the Query Form to receive a reply. We will collect similar questions and publish answers as fast as we can.

Lab Sessions

Short answer: No.

It makes all grading complicated within ODTUCLASS. However, if you have a valid and official reason use the Query Form in ODTUCLASS.

Short answer: Query to your TA.

Laboratory grading is handled by your TA. Use the Query Form in ODTUCLASS (type: regrade). It will be directed to the TA.

Short answer: Use the Query Form in ODTUCLASS.

You have to use two forms in All Sections. (1) Use "Query Form" to give the details of the query, (2) Use "Query Form - File Upload" to physically upload a file.